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Zotero Workshop by University Libraries In-Person / Online
Do you have trouble orgazing all of the research sources (journal articles, book chapters, websites) that you need for projects? Are you tired of manually typing up in-text citations and bibliographies? Save time and increase your productivity by using Zotero, a free bibliographic-manager tool for research literature management! Attend this workshop to learn the basics of getting started with this software.
Never heard of a bibliographic manager? Bibliographic management tools, like Zotero, help researchers of all levels—undergraduate, graduate, faculty and staff, and beyond—quickly download citation data and full-text copies of information sources from the internet, organize source records, easily insert auto-formatted citations during writing, and more. They are major time-savers. We often hear students say they wish they learned about Zotero sooner!
Zotero includes both desktop and cloud-based applications. The desktop software helps you organize your literature collection the same way as you would a music library, and the cloud version ensures that you can access your citations from anywhere. Automatically save articles to Zotero from the internet with a browser extension, organize them in your library, and use a plug-in during your writing process to automatically insert in-text citations and full bibliographies in MS Word and Google Docs.
Related LibGuide: Zotero: A Beginner's Guide by Todd Quinn
Recommended prep work for University Libraries Zotero workshop
NOTE: It is not possible to troubleshoot individual software installation issues during the workshop. Please download Zotero software prior to the workshop and contact a subject librarian if you have any issues. Attendees are also welcome to follow along with the instructor in place of hands-on work.
Installation Steps
- If you use Microsoft Word, close all Microsoft Office products prior to downloading Zotero.
- This allows Zotero to add a plug-in to the Word application during installation, which enables in-text citations and bibliographies.
- Google Docs provides the add-in after you add the Connector (See point 4 below). This may require that you restart your browser.
- Go to https://zotero.org/download using a Firefox or Chrome browser window.
- Download and install Zotero 6.0
- Install the Zotero Connector for your browser (Recommend using Firefox or Chrome.)
- Create a Zotero account by clicking "Register" in the upper right corner of https://www.zotero.org. This account lets you sync the library from your local software application to provide a backup copy of citations/abstracts in the cloud, giving you access anywhere. It also lets you share citations with group libraries.
For more tips, review the University Libraries Zotero Beginner’s Guide at https://libguides.unm.edu/zotero.