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Zimmerman 2 Week Cubby

Zimmerman 2 Week Cubby
Zimmerman Library

Zimmerman Library offers a limited number of individual locked rooms (2 Week Cubbies) to current UNM students, enrolled in degree-granting programs, who are engaging in intensive research and study.

Each room contains a desk, chair, and power outlet. Each Cubby has an active Ethernet port. Wireless internet access is available.

The 2 Week Cubbies are individual locked rooms and you will be issued a code for the duration of your room assignment.

Short term rooms (2 Week Cubbies) are reserved:

  • For a period of two weeks.
  • By any student enrolled in a degree-granting program.
  • On a first-come, first-served basis.
  • During the academic term.
  • Via our self-serve online room reservation system.

To reserve your Two Week Cubby:

  1. Select the date when you want to reserve the room from the calendar.

  2. Select the room you would like to reserve. Click the Checkout button.

  3. Enter your UNM NetID and Password and click the Login button.

  4. Click the Continue button on the next page if you agree with the terms & conditions for reserving the room and want to continue with reserving the space.

  5. Fill out the registration form with your information and click the Submit my Booking button.

  6. A confirmation screen will display your booked room information. Click the Log Out button to end your session.

  7. You will receive an email with further instructions of how to checkout the space and pick up your room code.


   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding